Thursday, May 31, 2007


A lo largo de los años, he dejado muchas cosas pendientes:
Libros por leer
Novelas o artículos por escribir
Obras de arte por pintar
Estantes por acomodar
Ropa por regalar
Canciones por grabar
Películas por ver
Ejercicios y dietas por comenzar
(y por alguna vez terminar)
Historias por contar
Discusiones por terminar
Perdones por pedir
Disculpas por ofrecer
Ofensas por olvidar
(Des)amores por sanar
Asuntos mentales por ordenar...

Más vale que me vaya apurando!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

what comes first?

"An Oxford degree prepares you only for an unreal life"- Jonathan Aitken

or, is it perhaps..


living an unreal life drives us to Oxford?
- me.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

yo no se...

"I´m washing my hands of this weirdness"

- Jack Sparrow

Friday, May 18, 2007

wishin´ and hopin´

That's fine
That's good
That's nice
I understand the price
The cost of craving dark instead of light
I'd flip a coin to see if you still care tonight
- Untitled, Rachael Yamagata.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Im a man who doesnt know
How to sell a contradiction
You come and go
You come and go
Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon

(Culture Club)

Monday, May 14, 2007

y Neruda responde (once again)


Muere lentamente quien se transforma en esclavo del hábito, repitiendo todos los días los mismos trayectos, quien no cambia de marca, no arriesga vestir un color nuevo y no le habla a quien no conoce.

Muere lentamente quien evita una pasión, quien prefiere el negro sobre blanco y los puntos sobre las "íes" a un remolino de emociones, justamente las que rescatan el brillo de los ojos, sonrisas de los bostezos, corazones a los tropiezos y sentimientos.

Muere lentamente quien no voltea la mesa cuando está infeliz en el trabajo, quien no arriesga lo cierto por lo incierto para ir detrás de un sueño, quien no se permite por lo menos una vez en la vida, huir de los consejos sensatos.

Muere lentamente quien no viaja, quien no lee, quien no oye música, quien no encuentra gracia en sí mismo.

Muere lentamente quien destruye su amor propio, quien no se deja ayudar.

Muere lentamente, quien pasa los días quejándose de su mala suerte o de la lluvia incesante.

Muere lentamente, quien abandona un proyecto antes de iniciarlo, no preguntando de un asunto que desconoce o no respondiendo cuando le indagan sobre algo que sabe.

Evitemos la muerte en suaves cuotas, recordando siempre que estar vivo exige un esfuerzo mucho mayor que el simple hecho de respirar.

Solamente la ardiente paciencia hará que conquistemos una espléndida felicidad.

Pablo Neruda

She who becomes the slave of habit, who follows the same routes every day, who never changes pace, who does not risk and change the color of his clothes, who does not speak and does not experience, dies slowly.

She who shuns passion, who prefers black on white, dotting ones "i's" rather than a bundle of emotions, the kind that make your eyes glimmer, that turn a yawn into a smile, that make the heart pound in the face of mistakes and feelings, dies slowly.

She who does not turn things topsy-turvy, who is unhappy at work, who does not risk certainty for uncertainty, to thus follow a dream, those who do not forego sound advice at least once in their lives, die slowly.

She who does not travel, who does not read, who does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself, she who does not find grace in herself, dies slowly.

She who slowly destroys his own self-esteem, who does not allow himself to be helped, who spends days on end complaining about his own bad luck, about the rain that never stops, dies slowly.

He or she who abandon a project before starting it, who fail to ask questions on subjects he doesn't know, he or she who don't reply when they are asked something they do know, die slowly.

Let's try and avoid death in small doses, reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort far greater than the simple fact of breathing. Only a burning patience will lead to the attainment of a splendid happiness.

Pablo Neruda

my decision

It's only natural to feel like you're sinking

It's only human to be so unprepared

So where else can you go to
'Cause no one's given you the book
About what to say and how to feel and what you
Should and shouldn't have took
(Robbie Williams, Get a Little High)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

cerrado por derribo

conozco un corazón
que -como diría Sabina - está cerrado por derribo
(y porque anda embrollado en otros asuntos)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

hey laura

And any time you feel the pain,



Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


estoy encendiendo velitas
por aquí

y por allá
(en todos los sentidos)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Information Asymmetry

what could I do, given that I do not have all the information?
a) take the most reasonable decision
b) follow my heart
c) listen to others´opinion
d) nothing

a tramp or a tramp?

She gets too hungry, for dinner at eight
She loves the theater, but doesn´t come late
She´d never bother, with people she´d hate
That´s why the lady is a tramp

Doesn´t like crap games, with barons and earls
Won´t go to harlem, in ermine and pearls
Won´t dish the dirt, with the rest of those girls
That´s why the lady is a tramp

She loves the free, fresh wind in her hair
Life without care

Shes broke, but it´s ok

(Frank Sinatra)


Tramp, The social elite lifestyle magazine, which is aimed at the jetset and trendy social elite.
Tramp, a vagrant in British English.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fundraising for Africa

Today, my post is not about me; it is about someone else doing a wonderful job. It is about him, about you, about us, about humanity.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

el justo momento

no cabe duda que todo tiene su tiempo y su espacio.
tal vez solamente es cuestión de esperar.