just when I thought I´d had enough weird stories for the month...
three guys who were in my tour asked me in the end "have you been to ___ restaurant?"... the conversation followed:
- ahm, yes...
- ah, yes! I knew it!! you are the girl who came back 20 minutes later because you forgot your diet coke!!!
- (bursted out laughing) yes, yes I did...
- yes, I remember you! you came back 20 minutes later, and asked for the things you forgot to take, you said "I´ve paid for chips and coke and I did not get them"... and it was actually 2 diet cokes isn´t it?
- yes.... yes....
oh my, this was SIX MONTHS AGO! (and yes, I was a little bit too drunk). embarrassing.
- and you never came back! why didn´t you come back?
- ah, well...
- yes! come back!! anyway, see you later!
I was going back home, everything seemed to be normal... then, I went to buy some food.
While waiting on the queue for paying, ipod in my ears, food in my hands, the man behind me asked (there we go):
- what are you listening?
- (kinda surprised, should I reply? well, it´s just a friendly question)... Robbie Williams...
- ah! I met him! when he was young, and I was young, we both went to Art School,... but he got famous and I did not! and I was wondering whyyyyy if we both went to the same school and I once asked someone and they told me "man life is hard!" but here I am...
- do you sing or something?
- no.. no, I´m a reporter, I write... I am retired now, but I am reporter... so, are you in language school here?
- (thought: is my English that bad?!) no...
- ah, so what do you do here??? what are you doing?
- I´m... I´m... actually doing a DPhil...
- ah!!!!! ah so you are doing a DPhil!! woow ohh..
- what? I don´t look like one I guess (yes, WHY do I keep making conversation with people?)
- ahh.. you know a friend of mine once told me that DPhil students are like soldiers... they don´t look like one... and ah, what is the topic you are doing?? is it relevant to your country???
- well, this is boring..
- no, no, it´s not boring! tell me...
- well, I´m working on poverty alleviation programmes in Mexico..
- ah!!! I once wrote about Mexico, about the earthquake... 198..6?
- 1985,
at this point, I was paying and ready to go.. He said:
- wait! let me tell you something... when´s your birthday?
- ah... May...
- TAURUS! yes, you are taurus, I can see that...
- ah?
- the woman in the till: sir! we are waiting for you
- yes yes, I´m going.. I´m paying now
- woman in the till: yes, there is a long line behind you
- yes, I´m paying, there you go... ah... so, wait, let me tell you this... you are a taurus.. you know (by this point we both were outside the shop), and this morning I was listening to the news while I was walking between the kitchen and the bathroom and the bedroom and back to the kitchen, you know, just listening to the news so you don´t miss anything... and this woman, I think she also was a taurus, was talking about... Jamie Oliver just opened a restaurant here, you know,... how this Italian Chef he associated with and him are raising happy animals, because it´s better for them, I really don´t know if that´s true or not because I´m a buddhist guy anyway and don´t eat meat, but anyway before killing them but at least the lived a happy life, and they were following animals, these animals they took out of these shitty place and put them outside in the farm, and the first day they didn´t know what to do!! because they had not seen anything like that before, but then after a week they were happier, and then the next week they were even happier, and then they were jumping all around!! because you know, cows that are not happy, they may stand on your foot and just stay there (making cow sounds and cow face and cow attitude) and crush your foot, but no!! happy cows may say "oh, sorry sir" and move away, and happy cows are always jumping around!!! like little taurus!!!!!
- ah, I was wondering what the conection was
- that´s the connection!!! taurus are always jumping happily!!!
then he kept asking me stuff about where I study etc but then two friends of mine passed by so that was my chance to leave, and he said:
- well, it´s great meeting you!! take care
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sabina me entiende
Lo Peor del Amor.-
- Joaquín Sabina.
Lo peor del amor cuando termina
son las habitaciones ventiladas,
el puré de reproches con sardinas,
las golondrinas muertas en la almohada.
Lo malo del después son los despojos
que embalsaman el humo de los sueños,
los teléfonos que hablan con los ojos,
el sístole sin diástole ni dueño.
Lo más ingrato es encalar la casa,
remendar los pecados veniales,
condenar a la hoguera los archivos.
Lo atroz de la pasión es cuando pasa,
cuando al punto final de los finalesno le quedan dos puntos suspensivos…
- Joaquín Sabina.
Lo peor del amor cuando termina
son las habitaciones ventiladas,
el puré de reproches con sardinas,
las golondrinas muertas en la almohada.
Lo malo del después son los despojos
que embalsaman el humo de los sueños,
los teléfonos que hablan con los ojos,
el sístole sin diástole ni dueño.
Lo más ingrato es encalar la casa,
remendar los pecados veniales,
condenar a la hoguera los archivos.
Lo atroz de la pasión es cuando pasa,
cuando al punto final de los finalesno le quedan dos puntos suspensivos…
a random advice
weird things happen to me. I know that, we know that, I´ve mentioned that several times already. well, today, a bizarre random advice was given to me.
I was waiting for the bus stop, and saw a guy walking towards my direction accross the road. as soon as he reached the point where I was (on the other side of the road) he crossed the street, came to me and asked: do you know how long is the bus going to take? - perfectly normal, so far- to which I replied "mmh, no more than 10 minutes". the conversation followed pretty much like this:
- ah, have you been waiting for long?
- mmh, no, not really
- so, how do you know?
- well, the board says it comes every 15 minutes, so...
- ah, you said it may come in 10 minutes, for how long have you been waiting?
- well, like 5 minutes
- but before you arrived here, how long it is that the bus had passed?
- ah, actually I saw it leaving; I just missed it.. and it was like 5 minutes ago
- (blablalbalablabla - I couldn´t understand what he said). I think you have been waiting for longer than that, you say it´s coming in 10 more minutes, and you´ve been here for five... it is 8:01 in my watch.. but who knows? you may have a different one!
- well, it´s actually 8:02 in mine..... .... .... and the board says it´s coming at 8:03 so it may be here soon.
- I think you are not too accurate... you should be more accurate so you can make decisions!
- (silence)
- do you need assistance?
- why?
- well, you may need assistance even if you think you don´t need it
(this was getting VERY weird now)
(another girl who was sitting next to me, and who kept quiet all this time: here it is! it´s coming now!. - -THANK GOD!! I thought)
- there it is... (guy standing on the way)... are you getting it?
- yes, but after you...
at this point I was feeling VERY awkward... so I sat down in the only seat that was for 1-person, facing backwards. he sat in the back, and kept staring at me and waving at me and stuff.
2 seconds later (things get better!! am I on TV?!?!)
another man, apparently with a few drinks already, sat just in front of me and starting mumbling to me... then, he started playing music in his mobile... then a french song came and he said "if I was gay, I´d be in heaven right now!!!... you know, gay people would be dancing like this (made little dance)". so I just laughed and said "but you are not"... "no, I am not, I said IF"...
he kept talking to me about things I do not remember.
and voila! we were getting off at the same stop. He went to the opposite direction and shouted "you are the best!!!". ah, the other guy, by the way, had got off the bus two or three stops before me without saying anything else.
"more accurate so I can make decisions".- oh dear, have you been following my life?!
I was waiting for the bus stop, and saw a guy walking towards my direction accross the road. as soon as he reached the point where I was (on the other side of the road) he crossed the street, came to me and asked: do you know how long is the bus going to take? - perfectly normal, so far- to which I replied "mmh, no more than 10 minutes". the conversation followed pretty much like this:
- ah, have you been waiting for long?
- mmh, no, not really
- so, how do you know?
- well, the board says it comes every 15 minutes, so...
- ah, you said it may come in 10 minutes, for how long have you been waiting?
- well, like 5 minutes
- but before you arrived here, how long it is that the bus had passed?
- ah, actually I saw it leaving; I just missed it.. and it was like 5 minutes ago
- (blablalbalablabla - I couldn´t understand what he said). I think you have been waiting for longer than that, you say it´s coming in 10 more minutes, and you´ve been here for five... it is 8:01 in my watch.. but who knows? you may have a different one!
- well, it´s actually 8:02 in mine..... .... .... and the board says it´s coming at 8:03 so it may be here soon.
- I think you are not too accurate... you should be more accurate so you can make decisions!
- (silence)
- do you need assistance?
- why?
- well, you may need assistance even if you think you don´t need it
(this was getting VERY weird now)
(another girl who was sitting next to me, and who kept quiet all this time: here it is! it´s coming now!. - -THANK GOD!! I thought)
- there it is... (guy standing on the way)... are you getting it?
- yes, but after you...
at this point I was feeling VERY awkward... so I sat down in the only seat that was for 1-person, facing backwards. he sat in the back, and kept staring at me and waving at me and stuff.
2 seconds later (things get better!! am I on TV?!?!)
another man, apparently with a few drinks already, sat just in front of me and starting mumbling to me... then, he started playing music in his mobile... then a french song came and he said "if I was gay, I´d be in heaven right now!!!... you know, gay people would be dancing like this (made little dance)". so I just laughed and said "but you are not"... "no, I am not, I said IF"...
he kept talking to me about things I do not remember.
and voila! we were getting off at the same stop. He went to the opposite direction and shouted "you are the best!!!". ah, the other guy, by the way, had got off the bus two or three stops before me without saying anything else.
"more accurate so I can make decisions".- oh dear, have you been following my life?!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
un momento de inspiración
I was feeling tired of the steering wheel and deciding to take the ride in the passenger seat... even more, I was thinking of just getting off and taking a bus... back!!
and suddenly,
I got it!
I finally understand (or think that I do). It´s so clear! How come I did not see it before? mh. it makes sense.
and it is actually ok, I UNDERSTAND. it happens to everyone. it may could actually had happened to me. mh. then, I have nothing to do but to let things flow.
and suddenly,
I got it!
I finally understand (or think that I do). It´s so clear! How come I did not see it before? mh. it makes sense.
and it is actually ok, I UNDERSTAND. it happens to everyone. it may could actually had happened to me. mh. then, I have nothing to do but to let things flow.
(tal vez esa no sea la explicación, pero al menos) estoy tranquila.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
cinderella shoes

como bien sabemos (bueno, eso dijo el príncipe a las hermanas de Cenicienta):
a fuerza, ni los zapatos entran.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
otra de franco de vita
si alguna vez te importa, ya sabes dónde estoy
hay tantas cosas que quedan por decir
se que no es el momento, dejémoslo pasar
que un corazón herido no puede razonar
hay tantas cosas que quedan por decir
se que no es el momento, dejémoslo pasar
que un corazón herido no puede razonar
se que la vida nos encontrará de nuevo
y hasta entonces, no sabes cuánto te echaré de menos
(te recordaré, Franco de Vita)
mientras tanto, me enfoco en mí.
two things
I need two things:
- to be intelligent
- to be true to myself
I will hopefully have some time to work on these.
- to be intelligent
- to be true to myself
I will hopefully have some time to work on these.
Monday, June 02, 2008
fíjate bien, Laura
con todo respeto a los motivos que inspiraron a Juanes, utilizo sus palabras para recordarme lo siguiente:
fíjate bien donde pisas
fíjate cuando caminas
no vaya a ser que una mina
te desbarate los pies
fíjate bien donde pisas
fíjate cuando caminas
no vaya a ser que una mina
te desbarate los pies
sólo se que hay un cuento
que no parece que termina aquí
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