"I was flying my hawk yesterday. Watching her swoop down in the evening half-light is like a dream.
Sat is a Harris Hawk, majestic and strong. After lovingly raising and training her, she knows to come when I call; I am her source of food and protection. I let her go, then I whistle for her to return. Yesterday, as she was about to take off on her journey back to the glove, a strong wind came up between us. She’s hungry; she wants to fly to the glove, but the wind is very strong. I watched, as Sat took off into the air, her focus never straying from the glove.

This scene struck me as a perfect illustration of the wisdom of nature. Nature flows. As humans, we have lost this ability. We cling to the idea of what we want, and fight against the current of life, because our ideas are so rigid that we’re not open to let go. No wonder we’re not always in joy, not always in peace; we’re fighting against our present reality.
We all have wings, but if we fight against the wind, we cannot fly. We can’t experience the full magnitude of who we are. We all have unlimited potential, but when we cling to our fears and limitations, we’re not open to experience life in its fullness. Life is an experience. That’s all it is. Embrace your human experience, in all its colors, in all its complexities; in its ever-changing currents. The more you flow, and choose for the joy that is present in every moment, the greater your creation will be. Choose for love, and you will find the true majesty of self.
Isha is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and author, and the founder of the Isha Foundation Educating for Peace. Her latest book and movie, Why Walk When You Can Fly? explains her system for self-love and the expansion of consciousness. Learn more at http://www.isha.com/. "
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