Saturday, June 27, 2009

pienso en ti

cada día pienso en ti

pienso un poco más en ti

(Shakira en Amor en los Tiempos del Cólera)

amor en tiempos de cólera

a veces yo también confundo el amor con cólera.

(en honor a GGM)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

yo no rezo (2)

(aunque he de aceptar que ´ta cabr*n)

yo no rezo

yo no rezo para pedir a Dios que me otorgue lo que quiero
o que cumpla mis deseos
o que pase el examen
o el chico que me gusta me llame para invitarme a salir.
yo no rezo para que la humanidad viva sin guerra
o se acabe el hambre
o los huracanes no lleguen tan fuerte.
yo no rezo para tener un golpe de buena suerte y volverme millonaria
ni para que ese hombre vuelva a quererme.
Hace tiempo descubrí que es mejor pedirle a Dios que me ilumine
para saber qué hacer
para que el Amor de mi Vida y yo sepamos reconocernos
para entender y aceptar lo que sucede
para discernir la decisión a tomar
y hacer mi mejor esfuerzo
y dejar la rezadera para dar Gracias.

Monday, June 22, 2009

steering wheel

I love driving. no, no,no, I mean I *LOVE* driving. It gives me the sense of control and freedom that I need and truly enjoy. Driving is my pleasure, my treat, my passion. Oddly enough, I have always known that I may die in a car accident. I don´t care. In that case, that would be well worth it. When I was a child (2-4-6 years old) I constantly dreamed that I was dying in a car accident. It´s ok. I´ve learnt to cope with that. In any case, I love driving and I will do it for as long as I can. I miss my car as much as I miss driving him (it´s a him) and having the freedom to escape and go wherever I want and pass by the roads I want and have control of my own route and my own speed.
In a world where I have no car
and I cannot handle the gear
and possess no control of things
nor the pace of life,
I am considering to leave the steering wheel
and take the passenger seat.

Maybe it´s not that bad;

I may even enjoy the ride.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

summer is back

and wasps and bees and hayfever
and random episodes.
today, coming back from work, a guy stopped me on the road and asked me for directions. This is pretty normal to me, given that apparently I wear the "I AM A TOURGUIDE" sign on my forehead. Anyway, after the whole explanation, he said: well I am actually not looking for New College, I was just thinking of a way to talk to you and it´s the only thing I could think of. I saw you, you are very pretty and wanted to meet you. I´m T. by the way.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

la leggenda del pianista sull'oceano

I cried when I heard the music.
I cried even more when I watched the film.

Ennio, eres grande!

what now my love?

en este `inche fango, no veo señal!

...watching my dreams turn to ashes
and my hopes turn into bits of clay.
(Frankie Blue Eyes)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

domando a la fiera

very few people know how to tame the shrew.

un asalto de felicidad

I see a spark of life shining, Alegría!
I hear a young minstrel sing, Alegría!
Beautiful, roaring scream
of joy and sorrow
so extreme.

There is love in me raging


a joyous, magical feeling.
(cirque du soleil)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

letting it flow

the only thing I ask is to let me be.
but hell it´s difficult to let others be!
lose control.
let go.
(breathe in, breathe out)
let be...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

about ys and js

OF COURSE I sang "yolly miller" instead of the "jolly miller".

quite a jolly accent I´ve got

Sunday, June 14, 2009

handle with care

I come with instructions:
1. Let me be myself and appreciate my crazyness.
2. Be proud of me and don´t be afraid to show it to the world.
3. Remind ME of how important I am for you.
4. Don´t leave me on the edge; don´t put me in your "just in case" box.
5. I am very fragile; please Handle With Care.

It is *that* easy. In return, you can expect this and even more.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

central do brasil

today I found new ways in which my heart can be moved

Friday, June 12, 2009

amor se llama juego

amor se llama el juego en el que un par de ciegos juegan a hacerse daño.

y cada vez más tú

y cada vez más yo

sin rastro de nosotros.
Joaquín Sabina.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

a qué hora?!?!

can´t believe what I´m doing.

pero estoy siendo yo y eso me gusta :)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

vanilla (chocolate & greek-yoghourt and honey) sky

The Chef prepares a special menu for your delight, oh my
tonight you fly so high up in the vanilla sky.
Your life is fine; it´s SWEET-AND-SOUR
You´ve gotta love every hour,
you must appreciate.
This is your time, this is your day,
you´ve got it all:
(Paul McCartney)

Monday, June 08, 2009

on limits

on limits and boundaries: how flexible are they?

Friday, June 05, 2009

corazón atómico

dime si me estoy volviendo loco
dime por favor si a ti te pasa igual.
(Corazón Atómico, Zoé)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


... y de repente me di cuenta que mis problemas tienen
otro nombre y diferente apellido.

y sea lo que sea o pase lo que pase,
eso me dibuja una sonrisa en la cara.


rubber stamp

I am *this* close to take out my rubber stamp....

Monday, June 01, 2009


(Universum - C. Flammarion, Holzschnitt, Paris 1988, Kolorit : Heikenwaelder Hugo, Wien 1998)

y al acordarme del Universo

y Su Inmensidad

y sus múltiples misterios

y las variadas teorías que tratan de explicarlo

y Su Grandiosidad,

me acuerdo de lo pequeña que soy y lo minúsculo que mis problemas se vuelven.