Thursday, April 26, 2007

china in your hand

It was a flight on the wings Of a young girl´s dreams That flew too far away

Don't push too far
Your Dreams are China in your hand
Don't wish too hard
Because they may come true
And you can't help them

You don't know what you might
Have set upon yourself
China in your hand


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

un dulce

24 Abril 2007: Otra fecha para recordar.

Es como comer un dulce, donde solamente uno puede disfrutar de su sabor y realmente saber lo que se siente.... mmmmh....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Hello. Did you miss me?

I know I'm hard to resist
(Robbie Williams, The World´s Most Handsome Man)

Monday, April 23, 2007

count your blessings

* Podré no caminar, pero tengo brazos con los cuales apoyarme y otra pierna que me mueve.
* Podré no ir a tomar un vaso de agua, pero tengo una familia que me ayuda en todo.
* Podré no ir a trabajar, pero tengo colegas increíbles que se acuerdan de mí y me alientan a seguir adelante.
* Podré no andar de socialito de allá pa´cá, pero tengo amigos fantásticos, amigos reales, quienes no necesitan que yo diga más palabras para expresar lo que siento.

y muchas muchas cosas más! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

reading my dream

last night I had a very special dream (you know I love the "dream world"). I was driving my Nissan Micra, and I saw the signs stating that the road was closed... I saw all the other drivers going through the diversion, but I was very very stubborn and decided to continue, thinking "I know the way, it should be open". So I kept driving, until I got stuck... the pavement was kind of muddy and "asfaltoso", sticky and yukky and I could not go on. There were some construction workers who looked at me and thought: silly girl. So, I decided to get off my car and walked... however, I go all dirty and dusty so I decided to go back to my car. On my way back I had the chance to listen to some other people passing in a pickup truck, saying "look at this car, who left it over there? it must be a poshy stupid girl...". I said nothing, got on my car and drove back.

And I woke up.

I think I do not have to provide explanations for this.


Monday, April 16, 2007

speed limit

Radiohead understood the sense and the irony of rushing out. "Sometimes I get overcharged, that's when you see sparks.They ask me where the hell I'm going? At a 1000 feet per second, hey man, slow down, slow down, idiot, slow down, slow down."

Maybe the universe told me to slow down...

serán 8 largas semanas.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

mala racha

I have what we call a "mala racha": a series of unfortunate events... 2 days ago, I got involved in a car crash.. my poor micra got destroyed :( sigh... but luckily nothing happened to me at all!!


last night, as silly as it sounds.. I slipped and broke a leg!!! I have a cast and everything. ouch.with no car, and no functioning leg, I will have to rest for 6-8 weeks (and I had to pay around 500GBP- a hell of amount of money in Mexico in total for the car and my leg).

poor me, flowers and chocolates accepted.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Casi no he leído a Paulo Coelho, lo admito. Pero hago honor a una de sus más renombradas frases,

"Cuando una persona desea realmente algo, el Universo entero conspira para que pueda realizar su sueño. Basta con aprender a escuchar los dictados del corazón y a descifrar un lenguaje que esta más allá de las palabras, el que muestra aquello que los ojos no pueden ver".

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it..."

"Quando você quer alguma coisa, todo o Universo conspira para que você realize o seu desejo."

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday, April 05, 2007

on vacation

mi cerebro se declara en vacaciones.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

my tiny personal paradise

I have heard more than once that we build our own happiness. Today, I (finally) started building mine, my own personal paradise. I started discovering the joy in tiny little details; I had my personal Oxford-life... I am by myself, did my life in my own personal rythm, bought one-portion groceries, which implied (a) buying MY kind of groceries, (b) not using a kart but a basket, (c) carrying the bags by myself. Of course, there are some differences like having to drive more than 30 min in order to get to my job, and being stuck in the traffic, and co-existing with 4 million people and not with 17,000 gown, and having a warm weather and not a cloudy gray rainy sky (which I´d rather have).

Anyway, the landscape and the background might change, but I have finally found those details that make me happy. I think I am finally filing the borders of the life I am building.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Monday, April 02, 2007

belanova mix


Camino por la ciudad
Mirando al cielo
La lluvia me hace pensar
Que tú estás lejos
La gente viene y va
Yo me congelo
Sólo para aterrizar
En tu recuerdo

La gente viene y va
Yo sólo espero
Justo en el mismo lugar
A tu recuerdo
(me pregunto)

Niño es hora de partir
la vida me invitó
hacia otro lugar
sin ti
La vida tiene algo para ti
me duele no ser yo
lo siento niño debo de partir


Y dónde quedó
ese botón
que lleva a la felicidad
luna de miel, rosa pastel
clichés y tonterías
(rosa pastel)

men and women (y la planta)

Él dice: "esa planta se va a mover"

y uno ahí (como boba) esperando a que la planta se mueva

(lección aprendida gracias a Charly)