Tuesday, March 16, 2010

pide y se os dará

Hace poco leí esto:
"Clearly Jeanne desperately wants her husband to say “I love you” at times, yet she forces herself not to ask. She therefore pushes herself further into self-doubt, by forbidding herself to ask for what she wants.
This self-denial is a result of shame, an emotion closely connected to deservedness. You need to realize that asking to be loved is not only not shameful, it’s exactly what one should do to get love. Shame tells us that love is a small, precious commodity that we have to beg for. But love is abundant, and asking for it only reflects that you already perceive it to be yours."

tan cierto que repito esas palabras:

You need to realise that asking to be loved is not only not shameful,
it is exactly what one should do to get love.
Porque es un poco aceptar que no lo podemos todo y que estamos unidos al mundo y que el amor -manifestado en ayuda o en unas palabras de aliento o en algún detalle lindo- en lugar de acabarse, se multiplica y se engrandece :)

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